Lauren H

1) Name and hubby's name: Lauren and Craig

2) Location
Portland, OR
3) Years together: 8 years together. 2 years married.

4) How you met:
We met in the 4th grade. We grew up going to the same churches, schools, and Craig was my brother's best friend. It wasn't love at first sight. It definitely took time for us to grow on each other. We started dating my senior year in high school.

5) What would you say are the top 5 important things in keeping a relations
hip/marriage strong? Is there anything special you do for your partner/vice versa? What would you say your "keys to success" are in a healthy/fun/loving/etc. relationship?:

*Honesty. Be honest about the little things. It gives you more credibility when you have to be honest about big things.

*Boundaries. Set boundaries with family and friends and let them know that your spouse is your number one priority. Otherwise, you end up with a bunch of busybodies poking their nose in your relationship.

*No more selfishness (or at least work at having less of it). When you're in a relationship, it's not just about you anymore. Someone else is going to be affected by every decision you make. Consider them.
*Never have an out. This is a pretty unpopular outlook in today's society, but Craig and I have promised to never even bring up divorce. If it's not an available option on the table, then we can't get one, right?

*Sex. Having it. Sometimes. (note: husband said this).
6) What is your favorite part about being married/engaged?: Getting to do life with my best friend. Getting to wake up next to each other. Getting to watch TV in our pajamas after noon on a Saturda
y. All the little, seemingly insignificant things that we do every day are the things I love best about marriage, because we get to do them together.


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