September 14, 2010

Holiday Traditions

Posted by Krysten @ Why Girls Are Weird at 12:49 PM

Even though it's only September I can't help but be excited for the upcoming holidays, especially because this year we're doing something a little different.

These last two years have been a little sticky when it comes to family holidays.  My family has always gone to Illinois for Thanksgiving and Christmas because it's where my dad's sisters and mother lives and we always celebrate with them.  Dustin's dad, step mom and sister live here in Wisconsin.  So when we got married we knew we'd have to juggle holidays.  We decided the best thing to do would be to go with one family for Thanksgiving, one family for Christmas and then switch the next year.  This worked okay but I know I found myself missing my own family traditions A LOT.

For those of you that haven't ventured over to my other blog After 'I Do', my parents just bought a house in the town that Dustin and I live in.  They bought the house so that Dustin and I could rent part of it from them for CHEAP and so that they'd have a place to stay.  They're planning on moving from Wisconsin to Florida soon but they want a home to stay when they come back to the Midwest to visit for holidays and what not.  We're all moved in now and we just came to the realization that this could be a place to make new holiday memories.

So rather than schlepp to Illinois this year for Thanksgiving and half an hour away to Star Prairie, WI for Christmas we decided we'd like to have my parents, my brother and in-laws over here for a joint Thanksgiving.  Although I'll miss seeing my aunts and grandma I have to say I am incredibly excited to have both sides of our family brought together.

When you get married there are certain things you have to compromise on and for us one of the biggest compromises we made was the holidays.  Although we're finding that we can't keep all of our old traditions, it's fun to make new memories and establish new traditions that hopefully we'll celebrate for years to come.


Sara Strand on September 14, 2010 at 1:59 PM said...

Oh- our first year of marriage? WW3 as far as holidays. Xmas was always easy because I celebrate Xmas Day and Matt's family does Xmas Eve. Easy. Everybody does it on the same day and I don't really care about Thanksgiving. It sounds terrible but really- I'm take it or leave it. So last year? We started the tradition where Matt and the kids go...while I sit at home so I can sleep and eat ice cream watching reality tv. HEAVEN.

Meghan on September 14, 2010 at 6:28 PM said...

Aww, this is so exciting! I cannot wait to start hosting holidays for my family!

Connie on September 15, 2010 at 11:36 AM said...

Since we don't celebrate thanksgiving in Denmark, we only had the trouble where to spent Christmas, and every other year we're with my parents and switch the next. This year we are suppose to spent Christmas at my parents, but I also got in a bit a dilemma, because my sister in law might have to work this Christmas (she's a nurse) and my borther in law don't always celebrate Christmas. So my parents in law might end up all alone on Christmas... I can't have that happen. So when my sister in law knows for sure if she is working or not, I will decide wheter or not we are going to invite everyone here instead... otherwise that will have to wait till next year, I believe it will be easier with a kid being home:)

Anonymous said...

Ever since we got married, the thought of the holidays has filled me with anxiety. Especially because I a) have never cooked a Thanksgiving meal and b) have to host Thanksgiving here because my husband works on Thanksgiving and c) cannot STAND to have other people cook in my kitchen. I know. Crazy town.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg... But holidays have gotten a lot more complicated since we got married!

Anonymous said...

We've been married 3 months & been together for 4 years. We have never spent a x-mas together. We live in CA, all his family & kid here, my family in MA so I always go there for x-mas. Now that we are married I think it will seem odd but I refuse to not be with my family on x-mas. Thanksgiving is usually at his stepmoms house. It makes me hate the holidays!

Myya on September 18, 2010 at 12:06 AM said...

What a great tradition to start & heck you never know maybe more of your family will join in years to come. Just wait till you have kids, then it is a bit harder because more people want to see them. Although, traveling with kids gives you an out. Ahhh the joys of juggling. Hope your holidays are great!!! Are you going to start any new traditions of your own, you totally should!

Blicious on September 22, 2010 at 6:30 PM said...

just came across your blog and love!


Paige on September 22, 2010 at 10:06 PM said...

you guys all look so beautiful in your pics!

Stephanie Faris on September 24, 2010 at 2:38 PM said...

This is an issue I deal with every single year. My mother-in-law lives 3 hours away and my sis and brother-in-law visit Nashville every holiday so I have to constantly try to balance families and try to make sure everyone is happy. It can be so exhausting!

G on September 28, 2010 at 7:01 PM said...

The christmas holidays are always my fave time of the year. The atmosphere is just so different. Here in the Philippines, it starts as early as the"-ber" months kick in. There are already Christmas trees in the department stores! And people are generally so smiley and warm :)

-Gayle from

Amanda on September 30, 2010 at 5:10 PM said...

It's such a delicate thing since so many people want to spend time with you both. Adjusting life around the holidays is always hard, but good for you that you found a way to somehow handle a sticky situation.

glee on October 9, 2010 at 9:58 AM said...

I've been from family too young and for too long now. Shortly I'll be settling [marrying] and be living tens of thousands away from home and that would strip more of family holidays. sigh!

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hot girl on December 13, 2010 at 11:03 AM said...

nice post.

love jenny xoxo on February 7, 2011 at 4:01 PM said...

totally agree, lots of compromises and holidays aren't easy to figure out....


Sick by Trend on May 19, 2011 at 12:57 PM said...

Lovely traditions. I think they are very important, because, family and real friend are the best people around you. Love this, and I wanna have a big big family :D I'm following1

Look my blog and if you like it, follow me!



TC30s on August 8, 2011 at 8:22 AM said...

I absolutely love this blog!! Awesome concept!

Anna Much on October 2, 2011 at 6:37 AM said...

cute blog:) i follow you!!!

xoxo A.

Melissa on October 14, 2011 at 2:10 PM said...

Holidays are hard! We've been sharing them for about 5 years now, and try the rotating thing. Luckily, our events aren't THAT far apart so we can sometimes do both. Hopefully, we'll work out something this year that leaves us plenty of time to enjoy some time just for our new little two-person family!
If you'd like to read more of newlywed thoughts, check out my blog at Great post! I think it's funny that we do that to ourselves, try to be the best little wives we can be, when really, our husbands just want us to be ourselves!
I'm also blogging about newlywed life, if you're interested.

Jamie on November 22, 2011 at 3:37 PM said...

Starting new traditions is wonderful. As long as family is together, everything else works itself out.

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) on December 11, 2011 at 10:11 PM said...

happy you found something that worked for you guys! Right now the switching back and forth is working for us. WOnder what will happen in the future though or when we will start doing our own! Oh the joy of family :)

Lia Waroka Putri on December 16, 2011 at 3:59 AM said...

I love the way you write your post. Like, so true <3 x


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