Even though it's only September I can't help but be excited for the upcoming holidays, especially because this year we're doing something a little different.
These last two years have been a little sticky when it comes to family holidays. My family has always gone to Illinois for Thanksgiving and Christmas because it's where my dad's sisters and mother lives and we always celebrate with them. Dustin's dad, step mom and sister live here in Wisconsin. So when we got married we knew we'd have to juggle holidays. We decided the best thing to do would be to go with one family for Thanksgiving, one family for Christmas and then switch the next year. This worked okay but I know I found myself missing my own family traditions A LOT.
For those of you that haven't ventured over to my other blog After 'I Do', my parents just bought a house in the town that Dustin and I live in. They bought the house so that Dustin and I could rent part of it from them for CHEAP and so that they'd have a place to stay. They're planning on moving from Wisconsin to Florida soon but they want a home to stay when they come back to the Midwest to visit for holidays and what not. We're all moved in now and we just came to the realization that this could be a place to make new holiday memories.
So rather than schlepp to Illinois this year for Thanksgiving and half an hour away to Star Prairie, WI for Christmas we decided we'd like to have my parents, my brother and in-laws over here for a joint Thanksgiving. Although I'll miss seeing my aunts and grandma I have to say I am incredibly excited to have both sides of our family brought together.
When you get married there are certain things you have to compromise on and for us one of the biggest compromises we made was the holidays. Although we're finding that we can't keep all of our old traditions, it's fun to make new memories and establish new traditions that hopefully we'll celebrate for years to come.